Release: 2011
Prosumer Cult
The picture book »Prosumer Cult – Werder Bremen fans design jerseys« is an academic piece of work about fans as prosumers creating individual designs of Werder Bremen (german football club) jerseys and sharing them on the internet. Due to the topic the book was printed by a book-on-demand service.
With the rise of the Web 2.0 the phenomenon of »prosuming« can be observed increasingly. The traditional seperation between consumer and producer disappears nowadays more and more in favor of a prosumer economy: With the help of new technologies and social networks prosumers can increasingly manufacture products for their own individual needs. They are consumers and producers at the same time. To illustrate this trend, in this book public jersey designs from Werder Bremen fans sourced from the Werder Bremen internet forum as well as from the Facebook group »Werder Fan Offensive« are archived and displayed.
Book design & exhibition
The book's format is 170 x 220 mm and consists of 192 pages, most being set in »Adobe Garamond Pro«, »Pluto« and »Bembo« font families. The project was exhibited at Hochschultage at the University of the Arts Bremen in 2012.